If our superiors have high expectations of us, we may feel motivated to live up to those expectations and to prove ourselves. If, on the other hand, they have low expectations of us, we may be less motivated to do well. The Pygmalion effect expresses this psychological observation, that others’ expectations can significantly affect one’s performance.
The Pygmalion effect, also known as the Rosenthal effect, is the phenomenon in which the expectations that others have of an individual can influence their performance. This means that if someone expects you to do well, you are more likely to do well. On the other hand, if someone expects you to do poorly, you are more likely to do poorly.

The effect is named after the Greek myth of Pygmalion, in which a sculptor falls in love with a statue he has created. The statue was so beautiful and realistic that Pygmalion wished that it was a real woman. Eventually, the goddess Venus took pity on Pygmalion and brought the statue to life. The statue became a real woman named Galatea and Pygmalion and Galatea lived happily ever after.
The Importance of Expectations
Expectations play a significant role in psychology. Expectations are beliefs or attitudes that we have about what is likely to happen in the future. These beliefs can influence our behavior, thoughts, and emotions in various ways. For instance, our expectations can affect how we interpret and respond to situations, how we motivate ourselves, and how we perceive the world around us. In psychology, expectations are often studied in relation to factors such as motivation, perception, and social interactions. Understanding the role of expectations in psychology can help us to better understand how our beliefs and attitudes influence our behavior and experiences.
Our expectations can have a powerful influence on our motivations. If we have high expectations of ourselves, we are more likely to feel motivated to do our best and to put in the effort needed to achieve our goals. On the other hand, if we have low expectations of ourselves, we may be less likely to feel motivated and may not put in as much effort. Our expectations can also be influenced by the expectations of others. If someone else has high expectations of us, we may feel motivated to live up to those expectations and to prove ourselves. If someone else has low expectations of us, we may be less motivated to do well. Ultimately, our expectations can shape our motivations by influencing how much effort we are willing to put in and how determined we are to succeed.
The Pygmalion Effect at Work
An example of the Pygmalion effect at work might be a situation in which a manager has high expectations of an employee. The manager might regularly provide the employee with praise and recognition, offer support and guidance, and provide opportunities for career growth and advancement. As a result, the employee is likely to feel motivated and inspired, and they may perform better than they would have if the manager had lower expectations of them. Another example of the Pygmalion effect at work might be a situation in which a manager has low expectations of an employee. The manager might provide little support or guidance, and may not offer opportunities for growth and advancement. In this situation, the employee is likely to feel demotivated and uninspired, and they may not perform as well as they would have if the manager had higher expectations of them.
If an employee does not live up to a manager’s expectations, it is important for the manager to address the situation in a constructive and supportive way. Instead of criticizing or reprimanding the employee, the manager should try to understand the reasons for the poor performance and work with the employee to develop a plan to improve. This might involve providing additional training or support, setting more specific or achievable goals, or offering regular feedback and guidance. By working together, the manager and the employee can help to address any issues and improve the employee’s performance. It is important for the manager to continue to have high expectations of the employee and to provide support and encouragement to help them succeed.

Using the Pygmalion Effect in Management
The Pygmalion effect is important in business because it can have a significant impact on an employee’s performance. If a manager or supervisor has high expectations of an employee, the employee is more likely to perform well. On the other hand, if a manager or supervisor has low expectations of an employee, the employee is more likely to perform poorly. This is why it’s important for managers and supervisors to have high expectations of their employees and to communicate those expectations clearly. By doing so, they can help to inspire and motivate their employees to do their best work.
The Pygmalion effect can be used in management in several ways. One way is for managers and supervisors to set high expectations for their employees and to communicate those expectations clearly. By doing so, they can help to inspire and motivate their employees to do their best work. Another way is for managers and supervisors to provide their employees with the support and resources they need to succeed. This can include providing training, giving regular feedback, and offering support and guidance when needed. By doing these things, managers and supervisors can help their employees to reach their full potential and perform at their best.

Set clear goals and expectations for employees and provide them with the support and resources they need to meet those goals, which can include providing training, giving regular feedback, and offering support and guidance when needed. Then, recognize and reward their achievements and efforts, by providing praise and recognition, offering incentives and bonuses, and providing opportunities for career growth and advancement. As a result, your employees will feel valued and respected, which can help to motivate and inspire them to do their best work.
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