Lateral thinking is a problem-solving technique that involves approaching a problem from an unusual angle or perspective in order to…

Improve Critical Reasoning Using the Six Thinking Hats Method
The Six Thinking Hats method is a useful tool for facilitating group discussions and decision-making, as it helps people to…

Using the Five Whys Technique to Solve Problems Effectively
The five whys technique is a problem-solving method that involves asking the question “why” five times to identify the root…

Root Cause Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Problem-Solving
Understanding the root cause of a problem is crucial in order to address and solve it in a sustainable manner.…

How Poka-Yoke can Help to Eliminate Errors and Defects
Mistake proofing, also known as “poka-yoke,” is used in manufacturing, service industries, office environments, and even personal life to prevent…

Eliminate Waste and Boost Productivity with the 5S Method
The 5S Method is a powerful tool for improving efficiency and reducing waste in the workplace. By following the five…

Maximize Your Productivity with the 1-3-5 Rule
The 1-3-5 Productivity Rule is a simple but effective tool for increasing productivity and staying organized. By following this rule,…

The Theory U: A Framework for Facilitating Change and Innovation
The Theory U is a process for facilitating change and innovation by bringing a deeper level of awareness, attention, and…

How to Improve Your Innovative Thinking Skills
Innovation can help businesses to stay ahead of their competitors by offering new and unique products or services. But in…

The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
The Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument assesses an individual’s behavior in conflict situations and can be used to help them understand…

PERMA: A New Theory of Wellbeing
According to the PERMA model developed by Dr. Martin Seligman, Positive emotion (P), Engagement (E), Relationships (R), Meaning (M), and…

Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of positive emotions, behaviors, and experiences. It seeks…